This great pixie hat was another of my fusion projects, combining both knit and crochet. It is made from an amazingly soft bamboo/synthetic yarn that I just couldn't resist.
Through all my weird phases and stages, one thing about me has always been the same...I love to create.
Although there are very few arts I would not love to try, mainly I create with words and fibers.
Abuelita Rosa... la mas preciosa
Just a little about me and my familia, that I wanted to share with your
guys out there reading!This is my amazing Abuelita Rosa. She passed away
early this...
I've decided to take the plunge and switch over to Wordpress. I've been
playing around with it for the last week or so, and am quite happy with it.
I am ho...
I am not one to become addicted to certain foods, but this one brings me
very close.
Dangerously close.
Just the right amount of buttery, salty goodness, ...