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Wednesday, January 23, 2008

The Adventurer

My love, he comes a bearing gifts,
Treasures from far away:
A wilted flower, smooth round stones,
Feathers of silver grey...

He is a grand explorer.
What adventures he does seek!
All through out the land of Yard
His trusty sneakers trek.

Come night he wanders home again
With treasures and tales to share,
But my favorite gift is a goodnight kiss
After his bedtime prayer.


Autumn said...

Your poetry is really good. I don't normally enjoy poetry but yours is full of simple deep meaning and a joy to read!
Thank you for sharing it!
Farmgirl #49

corrine said...

Thank you, Autumn. I love to write and am naturally drawn to the simple style inspired by Frost and Sandburg. Both knew how to see the beauty of God's creation and set it unadorned and radiant on paper. Of course, I am not saying that I will ever be in their league, but that is what I aspire for. Poetry should be for everybody.

Autumn said...

I would love to use this poem on a sampler for a baby gift- I guess I am asking if I may? Do you sell the right to use it?
If it's not alright I understand-it is just so fitting for a new baby boy.
Keep writing-